《White Flag》-- Dido
专辑:Life For Rent
流派:Rock and Pop
蒂朵在9月30日出版了她的第二张专辑《流浪生活》(Life For Rent),结果头5天便在英国卖掉了25万张,这张专辑这几天刚刚在美国上市,前景一片光明。为什么这么说?因为蒂朵的首张专辑《无天使》(No Angel)一共卖掉1200万张,860万张是在美国市场上卖掉的,她已经有着很广泛的美国群众基础,这张制作水准不亚于前一张的专辑突破原来的纪录只是一个时间问题。
如今的蒂朵已跨入巨星的行列,巨星就得有巨星的样子,新专辑有一首歌叫《白旗》(White Flag),英国歌迷为了表示对她的喜爱,都在门口插上一面白旗,幸好,专辑不是在战争期间出版。蒂朵去美国作宣传,飞机是专用的,据说飞机上的图案都是蒂朵自己设计的。不过,这位天使般的歌手在接受采访的时候还是比较低调,面对1200万张的销售数字以及这次的销售记录,她显得很冷静:“我们能不能把注意力集中在做出更美妙的音乐而不是销量上。”“我只做那些我想做的音乐,这样我才快乐。”
320K Mp3
i know you think that i shouldn't still love you
i'll tell you that
but if i didn't say it
well, i'd still have felt it
where's the sense in that?
i promise i'm not trying to make your life harder
or return to where we were
well i will go down with this ship
and i won't put my hands up and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
i'm in love and always will be
i know i left too much mess
and destruction to come back again
and i caused but nothing but trouble
i understand if you can't talk to me again
and if you live by the rules of "it's over"
then i'm sure that that makes sense
well i will go down with this ship
and i won't put my hands up and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
i'm in love and always will be
and when we meet
as i'm sure we will
all that was then
will be there still
i'll let it pass
and hold my tongue
and you will think
that i've moved on
well i will go down with this ship
and i won't put my hands up and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
i'm in love and always will be
i will go down with this ship
and i won't put my hands up and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
i'm in love and always will be
i will go down with this ship
and i won't put my hands up and surrender
there will be no white flag above my door
i'm in love and always will be
320K Mp3
本帖最后由 swyqxp 于 2006-12-22 06:15 PM 编辑 ]